New Year. New Blog. New boys. Everything New!

Happy New Year!!! I know I'm a few weeks late... better late than never. Welcome to my first blog entry for 2015.

2014 ended with some big changes and 2015 began with everything new. New blog. New locations. New prospects. New years resolutions. And new boys.

I was on hiatus for some time. 2015 came at me like a freight train and the dust is just beginning to disperse. My brain is only now able to comprehend all the new things this year has brought with it.

Revamped blog. I redesigned everything here and gave it the tlc it needed from my months of neglect. I gave it a fresh new look that reflects all my passions. As before I will review books and movies, but I will also be sharing more of myself her. I'm rather private and I feel it's time to let go and express myself more openly and share some of experience, in the hopes others will relate.

New locations... my work has relocated and is adding more of my traveling time. I'm also planning on visiting new places and revisiting some old ones this year. It's been a while since I've had french toast in France, or had a beer at McDonalds in Italy. I've heard Middle Earth is nice during Autumn. Wanderlust addict!

My work relocation has added more stress than I expected. This forced me to consider new prospects. As a designer, I realised designing for others made me counter creative. As an artist I find designing for myself more fulfilling. Hence why I give away freebies for my fellow bookworms on here. So this year I have decided to take a leap and create my own original designs of stationary, cards, poster quotes and many other things. Some will bookish related and others... well I'm just going where the wind blows me be. Watch this space. I'm extremely excited about this new business project. Ideas welcome!

Be the best me I can be. This is one of my three new years resolutions. I'm working on a life overhaul. So far so good.

Secondly get my MO edited. Yes I have finally finished the first story Defying Darkness in my series. My WIP has been in the works for some years and this is a huge milestone for a wannabe writer like me. Now to get an editor. I'm extremely nervous about this. Writer friends, tips would be great.

My third resolution for this year is to meet a nice guy. It's been over a year since my last serious relationship, and last year I think my rubbish bin went out more often than I did. So this year I'm throwing myself into the dating pool (aka online dating and good old fashioned nights out) and so far I'm treading water. I've met some crazys, which is unavoidable I guess. They are rather entertaining though. One told me he loved a 'healthy debate.' So when I disagreed with his conviction, he threw a tantrum. What are we 8 years old? If we were that would make more sense, but he was 31. Then another one told me he liked me and we'd probably get married... ah ok, but you haven't met me yet. 
Though two months into the year and I have met two great men. I'm still in the infancy stage of getting to know them. 
You know you're a book worm when... you go on a date and compare the looks of your date to a fictional character. One,  looks a little like Adrian Ivashkov, sandy brown/blond hair, green eyes, tall, only minus the sarcasm. Maybe he'll let me call him Adrian.

This new year brought many news' with it. I forecast a year full of fun, challenges and surprises. I can't wait to see what this year has in store. 

What's your new years resolution?


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